Competition Time!

Competition - Win a $500 Tambo Teddy Voucher!


📸✨ Win a $500 Tambo Teddies voucher? Share your special moments with your Tambo Teddies! Whether it’s you, your kids, or grandkids, send us your photos for a chance to win.🐻

Photos must have:

  1. Tambo Teddies products

  2. Tambo Teddies owner/fan (whether it is you, your child, grandchild or friend)

👉 To enter:

  1. Tag us on Instagram @tamboteddies

  2. Or email us at

Competition ends March 30th. Our team will choose the lucky winner who will be announced on April 10.

Please include your email and/or phone number so we can contact you (if you’re the lucky winner!).

By entering the competition, you are giving Tambo Teddies permission to use your image in their social media.

Good luck! 🏁🎁 #TamboTeddyGiveaway