We thought we would like to share a few cool facts about teddy bears with you and put a bit of teddy bear history in perspective.
There are many famous teddy bears and we are proud to include ourselves in this little teddy bear timeline.
- 1902
– Roosevelt leaves on November 12 for Mississippi for his 4 day bear hunt.
– Berryman’s ‘Drawing the Line in Mississippi’ cartoon published in The Washington Post on November 16.
– Morris Michtom and Steiff produce teddy bears. - 1907 – American John W. Bratton composes the music for ‘The Teddy Bear’s Picnic’.
- 1914-1918 – Teddy bear factories are used to make items for World War I.
- 1920 – Mary Tourtel’s Rupert Bear introduced in British newspaper in November.
- 1926 – AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh is published in October
- 1930 – Jimmy Kennedy writes lyrics for ‘The Teddy Bear’s Picnic’.
- 1940-1945 – Teddy bear factories are used to make items for World War II; some suffer bomb damage.
- 1944 – Smokey Bear is created for the US Forest Service to promote fire prevention campaigns.
- 1957 – Elvis sings ‘Teddy Bear’.
- 1958 – British author Michael Bond’s Paddington Bear first appears.
– Yogi Bear debuts on Huckleberry Hound; has own show 3 years later. - 1985 – Christie’s holds first teddy bears only sale.
– Good Bears of the World name this the International Year of the Teddy Bear. - 1986 – First teddy bear museum opens in Berlin.
- 1993 – Tambo Teddies + is started by three women, Charm Ryrie, Mary Sutherland and Helen Sargood.
- 1994 – A record $158,000 is paid for a 1905 Steiff bear at a London auction.
- 1998 – US Postal Service issues a teddy bear stamp for its Celebrate the Century program.
- 2002 -100th anniversary of the teddy bear.
– US Postal Service issues 4 stamps of teddy bears by American companies.
– Guinness World Records reports the smallest handmade teddy bear is 9 mm long. - 2014 – Tammy, Kiralee & Alison purchased the iconic Tambo Teddies.