Thank you for choosing Western Queensland

Thank you for choosing Western Queensland.

A thank-you campaign started by Ingrid Miller from the Barcoo Shire is gaining momentum. On a trip to town, Ingrid was astounded by the number of visitors who were holidaying in western Queensland. Ingrid started a campaign to say ‘Thank-you’, providing graphics and digital assets for all to share, posting the message below:

Hi Everyone,

During a trip to town last week, I was so amazed to see families and tourists coming to support our region for their holidays, which in turn helps our local businesses and tourist attractions who really need supporting for what remains of the tourism season.

These visitors could’ve travelled anywhere else in QLD but they’ve chosen our region! How cool is that!

So I thought we could give them all a shout out just by saying thanks. You can display this sign in your local business for all to see – put it in your front windows, on your counters, post it on your social media or place it wherever you want!


Share and lets all spread the thanks!

Tambo Teddies jumped straight on board and posted the graphic on our Facebook page. Shared many times the word started to spread and the project was even noticed by the Queensland Country Life. We have downloaded the graphic and are proudly displaying it in our window.

A great idea and a great movement that is continuing to gain momentum.

And we are truly grateful to visitors to Western Queensland. Queenslanders were the first to show up as the restrictions eased and it was amazing the numbers of campers, caravans and cars that headed out our way. When asked, many visitors told us they had come to support our communities, spend some time and some money in our regions. Now the borders have reopened, we have visitors from New South Wales and South Australia rocking into town. All keen to get a slice of our warmer weather and support our communities.

We are really thankful, and the boost to our town is amazing. The streets have been transformed from quiet back waters to thriving, busy hubs. There is a buzz in the air in Tambo.

So thank you for choosing Western Queensland!