
Tambo Teddy Aussie Koala Bears

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OI, OI, OI

Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk has been heard to say, ‘There is nothing more Queensland than a Tambo Teddy’ and we couldn’t agree more and would like to take the statement a wee bit further……’There is nothing more Australian than a Tambo Teddy!’ Or is there? What about our Tambo Teddy Aussie Animals? They are

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Tambo Teddy Bears have Woolmark certification

Woolmark – It’s Official.

Great excitement in the Teddy camp this week – we have officially received the Woolmark certification for our teddy bears! We didn’t think 2018 could get any better………but it did……. when we were contacted the AWI’s (Australian Wool Innovation) Manager of Australia and New Zealand, Stephen Feighan, asking us about our products we started

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Painted pet roack appeared at Tambo Teddies

Pet Rocks for Teddy Bears

A couple of cutely painted pet rocks mysteriously appeared on our teddy bear seat out from of the shop. We were quite amused and had no idea where they had come from, a little bit of research uncovered that we were now part of a new global craze! This craze has kids all over

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Tambo Ted Tours

Tambo Ted Tours

If you go down to the Tambo town today You’re sure of a big surprise! Well, not every day but some days. A few weeks back we gave our first Tambo Ted Tour where two larger than life ‘Big Teds’ greeted a bus load of visitors and took then on a tour of the

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